Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

SAMAR “Terkadang samar itu jelas”

oleh: Andri Krisdianto ( andriazmo )
CCF (Centre Culturel Français) Bandung ( Jl. Purnawarman no.32 )

Andri Krisdianto mengenal dunia fotografi sejak usia dini. Tahun 2001 ia mulai serius menekuninya secara otodidak. Sejak tahun 2002, selain bekerja di bidang industri kreatif dan industri fotografi, ia juga mengerjakan foto dengan konsep-konsep yang diinginkannya sendiri.

Di dalam « Terkadang samar itu jelas » sang fotografer mencoba menampilkan visual dari berbagai macam makna yang dilihatnya di saat semuanya buram, tidak jelas, pudar, abstrak dan samar. Sebagian karya-karya nya berangkat dan dipengaruhi dari prosa ataupun hanya dari sebuah susunan kata-kata yang dirangkainya sendiri kemudian dituangkan ke dalam sebuah karya fotografi. Teknis dalam setiap karya ditampilkan dengan warna monotone, dualtone dan Saturasi Rendah.

*Pembukaan, 15 Febuari 2010, 18.00 WIB
*Diskusi, 20 Febuari 2010, 15.00 WIB


International Animation Festival Hiroshima: 7-11 Agustus 2010

Terbuka bagi Umum
(Grand Prize 1 juta Yen, Hiroshima Prize 1 juta Yen, Debut Prize 500 ribu Yen, Renzo Kinoshita Prize 300 ribu yen, Special International Jury Prizes, Prizes for Outstanding Works, dan lain-lain)

Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jepang

Karya yang akan dikirim harus memenuhi syarat berikut:

1. Karya, termasuk animasi computer grafik dibuat dalam bentuk ‘frame by frame’.
2. Karya dapat berbentuk film atau videotape.
- Film dalam format 16mm atau 35mm dan menggunakan system soundtrack optical. Film harus memiliki 3m leader.
- Videotape dalam format BETACAM NTSC. Videotape harus diawali dengan color-bar sepanjang 1menit dan 5 detik black.
3. Durasi karya maksimum 30 menit.
4. Karya merupakan produksi setelah 1 April 2008.
5. Copyright characters, scripts, musik dll tidak dapat digunakan dalam karya tanpa persetujuan pemilik. Karya akan didiskualifikasi bila tidak memenuhi syarat ini.
6. Setiap film / video hanya berisi 1 karya saja.
7. Karya yang sudah pernah diikutsertakan dalam festival atau pun sudah pernah memenangkan penghargaan dapat diikutsertakan, dalam hal ini, peserta harus mencantumkan daftar penghargaan dan kepesertaan secara lengkap dalam formulir.

Peserta dapat men-download formulir melalui atau memperolehnya di the Japan Foundation, Jakarta. Harap mencermati ketentuan lain melalui website tersebut. Semua aplikasi dan karya dikirimkan langsung ke :

HIROSHIMA 2010 FESTIVAL OFFICE 4-17, Kako-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0812 JAPAN, T. +81-82-245-0245


Sepanjang sejarah manusia memasuki usia keenam puluh adalah sebuah sejarah panjang yang penuh dengan berbagai dinamika, menjadi saksi berbagai peristiwa, dan tentunya melakukan regenerasi. Enam puluh tahun dalam hidup manusia terbagi dalam 3 fase, yaitu generasi pertama, kedua, dan ketiga. Untuk sebuah metamorfosis tiga fase tersebut terbagi menjadi masa ulat, kepompong dan kupu-kupu. Untuk menjadi kupu-kupu yang menawan haruslah melewati masa yang panjang dan perjuangan untuk menjadi eksis dalam kehidupan ke depan. Demikian juga dengan Suara Merdeka yang didirikan pada 11 Februari 1950, saat ini telah mencapai usia 60 tahun, dan dan dalam perjalanannya telah dipimpin oleh generasi ketiga.


1. Terbuka untuk semua pelukis yang tinggal di Jawa Tengah.
2. Peserta perorangan.
3. Tidak ada batas usia.
4. Karya yang diikutkan adalah karya baru.
5. Bentuk karya dua dimensi (memiliki matra panjang dan lebar).
6. Ukuran salah satu sisi maks 200cm, ketebalan spanram maks 6cm.
7. Maksimum mengikutkan dua karya.

Untuk babak penyisihan, peserta mengirimkan foto karya ukuran 10R dan image karya dalam bentuk softcopy dalam cd, format jpeg/eps/tiff photoshop.
Peserta yang masuk babak final diharuskan mengirim karya asli, untuk mengetahui kondisi asli karya dan untuk kepentingan penilaian.
Karya yang dikirim dibungkus buble pack/ plastic yang tidak lengket, kemudian dikemas dalam doos tebal atau packing kayu/ kayu lapis.
Hal yang berkait dengan karya yang dikirim sepenuhnya tanggung jawab finalis. Bila pada penerimaan karya pada ekspedisi oleh panitia ada kondisinya yang tidak baik/ rusak, peserta akan diberi tahu oleh pihak penerima (panitia).


1. Melampirkan keterangan karya: judul, ukuran, teknik, format, bahan dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan karya pada selembar kertas.
2. Melampirkan biodata (curriculum vitae), alamat surat, e-mail, nomer telepon/hp, fax, dan fotokopi KTP/SIM atau bukti identitas yang berlaku.

Foto karya, keterangan karya, dan biodata sudah harus diterima panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 23 Januari 2010 cap pos.
Dikirim ke: Redaksi Suara Merdeka, Jalan Raya Kaligawe KM 5 Semarang, Pada amplop dibubuhi tulisan Lomba Lukis Suara Merdeka.

Peserta yang masuk final (25 besar) akan diberi tahu pihak panitia lewat telepon dan surat.

3 Karya pemenang (3 kategori terbaik) akan diumumkan lewat surat dan pada Acara Ulang Tahun Suara Merdeka ke 60.
Tempat dan waktu pameran tentative (sedang disiapkan berkait dengan kegiatan lainnya dalam rangka Ulang Tahun ke 60 Suara Merdeka).

Panitia akan memberikan penghargaan dalam bentuk uang tunai kepada 3 kategori terbaik masing-masing Rp.5.000.000 (lima juta rupiah).

Priyo Budi Santoso Redaktur Suara Merdeka 024-6580900.


International Artist Residencies, Budapest, 2010

International Artist Residencies, Budapest, 2010
A.I.R./International Artist Residencies, 2010
AIR/HMC, Budapest


Program Dates:
Tuesday May 11, 2010 - Thursday, June 3, 2010 --Deadline (must be received) by February 6. 2010* Artist fee $1,450)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 - Thursday, July 1, 2010 --Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010* Artist fee $1,450)
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 - Thursday, July 29, 2010 --Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010* Artist fee $1,450)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 - Thursday August 26, 2010 --Deadline (must be received) by March 6. 2010* Artist fee $1,450)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - Tuesday, October 05, 2010 --Deadline (must be received) by June 16. 2010* Artist fee $950)
Monday, December 27, 2010 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 --Deadline (must be received) by September 6. 2010* Artist fee $950)

The Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc.® (HMC), 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, invites interested visual artists, writers, performers to submit application for its residency program in Budapest, Hungary. The residencies offer participants to interact with other artists representing a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Accepted applicants are expected to speak and understand English. Approximately 6-8 artists are invited for each session. The residence offers shared room/bath as living quarters. Studio, room, workshop, exhibition, seminar and gallery tour are included in the cost.

If successful applicant wish to be accompanied by family members or an assistant, it is necessary to consult with HMC beforehand. Artists will give at least one informal public slide/powerpoint/DVD/CD presentation (45 minutes) about their work during their stay at the HMC and leave one exhibition ready art work made during the residency as a donation to the HMC. Exhibitions, workshops and lectures will be arranged in Budapest. (Exhibition 1. opening on August 24, 2010 at Jokai Club, Budapest and Exhibition 2. at the Pen Club, Budapest)

While HMC does not provide funding for residencies, we are helping to facilitate the creation of program, the cost of the exhibitions and cover %40 of total cost, artists cover %60. We encourage the applicants to apply for a grant or scholarship. The artist needs to calculate, travel, health insurance costs, for lunch and dinner for the duration of their stay at the residency. The HMC will provide accommodation and breakfast.

The HMC will provide all participants with:
A) Accommodation (share room)
B) Breakfast
C) Basic tools and material & equipment required for the workshop

All participants need to arrange for the following:
A) International return airfares
B) Visa (if necessary) to Hungary
C) Participation Fees (Fees may vary depending on the Euro-US Dollar exchange rate.)
D) Personal Insurance

Applications should consist of:
- Application form
- 5 - 10 images under 1 MB each/ writers 5 page writing/ video, please email clearly labeled YouTube site links. Please do not refer us to a general website link or send an incomplete application.
- Artist's statement/Project Description/One-page resume/CV
- $35 application fee
Please do not send an incomplete application, send the application electronically (by via email only and PayPal)

Contact (Beata Szechy, president)

About the HMC
HMC is dedicated to promoting international art and the understanding of world cultures, through high quality art exhibitions, cultural exchanges and related educational programs. Based in Dallas and Budapest, the organization operates throughout the world. Its principal focus is an international residency program to which artists from around the world are invited. The goal is to provide a supportive community with uninterrupted time to work. Like many visual arts residency programs, the HMC is a microcosm of the cultural diversity: multi-national. Unlike others, however, HMC makes a concerted effort to connect its artists and curators to the art community, while connecting the local art community with contemporary art practice from all over the world. The dynamic of HMC is a programming hybrid conceived to facilitate genuine exchange, specifically its Artist Talks and exhibitions. The exhibitions attract not only professionals, but a wider audience of art enthusiasts. As a direct consequence of connections forged at HMC, many of the over 500+artists who have participated in the program since its founding, are now represented by galleries and have been included in numerous group exhibitions and projects throughout the United States and Hungary.

Who Should Apply
HMC welcomes artists at all stages of their careers and seeks to create a mix of various experience levels in each group of residents. Through a competitive application process, HMC offers residencies to visual artists, writers, composers, and interdisciplinary artists such as those working in sound, performance, choreography, etc. AIR is an international meeting point for the arts. Its aim is to support and encourage contemporary artistic creation, research and debate. The purpose of this program is to offer a platform to promote the exchange of artistic discourses from artists with different artistic backgrounds and from different geographical origins. The program is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas in order to broaden creative horizons. HMC considers art as a dynamic social force that is capable of inspiring individuality and of defining groups. Art -- one of the few languages that transcends all boundaries -- offers a way to understand not only ourselves and one another, but it offers a venue for greatness, which must be supported if we as a civilization are to move forward.

Our staff
Director/Founder: Beata Szechy

Board members
Jaime Doak Bennett (Dallas, TX), Sarah Carson (Dallas, TX), Emily DiCarlo, (Toronto, Canada), Elisabeth Cs. Markon (Munich, Germany), Judit Makranczy (Dallas, TX), Christina Nevin (San Francisco, CA), Christopher Pelley (New York, NY), Heidi Russell (New York, NY), Dr. Laszlo Takacs (Dallas, TX), Jack Urish (Dallas, TX)